Monday, November 29, 2010


A shirt that asks a question. From Boston this summer.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Origami Express

Origami Express is Kurt Vonnegut and Joe Petro III. They did a series of screen prints called Confetti.

'Confetti is Origami's response to the in-your-face lack of meaning or message in so much modern art, starting, perhaps, with Mondrian, and of course excluding the strikingly communicative Cubists, but surely including the intellectually and morally blank works by the so-called "Abstract Expressionists." Origami says to the latter, with pictures as didactic as this one, "If you have absolutely nothing to say to anybody, can't you please shut up?"'

See all of them here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

According to Facebook, Part 2:

1. I need to lose weight. (Perhaps the baby weight from below?)
2. I have a child, and that child needs diapers. 
3. I need help with my homework. I guess I'm just not good at school.


Because it's not the material things that ultimately matter in life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

According to Facebook Ads:

1. I need to go to college to change my life. (Never mind that I'm already in college.)
2. I need to pay someone to write my essays for me at said college.

Thanks, Facebook! Now I can finally get my life on track!

Friday, October 8, 2010


As they say, practice makes perfect.

25 Drawings

For my first drawing project this quarter I had to do 25 drawings based on a theme that experimented with materials and culminated in three final pieces. I chose to draw cancer cells. Projects like this are the closest I feel I will ever get to science. I found their shapes fascinating.